How You Can Help

Faith’s Orphan Fund will continue to make a difference in the lives of these children and you can partner with us. Whether as an individual, a group or a company, your support will make a difference!

Praying for Faith and her Team is an enormous yet necessary task. They need strength, wisdom and encouragement to continue the work that has grown to over 4300 children in their care.  They also need the financial resources to carry on the work, work in a country where poverty is the common denominator among the people.

If you would like to support any one of the projects described in the Projects Section, or simply make a donation, you can do so in one of four ways; by cheque, Interac eTransfer, through Canada Helps, or by donating corporate securities.

  • Cheque – A cheque should be made out to Faith’s Orphans Fund and mailed to the address below.  Please indicate which project you would like to support and you can be assured that your donation will reach Faith quickly and that 100% will be applied to the project you haven chosen.                                                     Faith’s Orphans Fund
    P.O. Box 726
    Cambridge, Ontario
    N1T 1S6


  • Interac eTransfers – This is a modern method for giving or transferring of funds using your online banking application. The benefits are that unlike Canada Helps, 100% of the gift goes directly into the Faiths Orphans Fund account and you receive an email almost immediately confirming that the transaction has been completed successfully. If you have never used it before, the process is fairly simple.
    1. Open your banking application and look for and select Interac eTransfer (it may be located on the page for paying bills or transferring funds)
    2. One page usually requests the details of the gift amount and a second page asks for details of the recipient; name and email address.
    3. For the name of the recipient use Faiths Orphans Fund
    4. For the email address use
    5. Just before you select ‘Send’, IF this is your first eTransfer to FOF, please include in the Message Box either your email address OR your name and mailing address so that we can provide you with a receipt for income tax purposes. Now you may select ‘Send’ and that’s it!


  • Canada Helps – simply by clicking on the “Donate Now” button below. Canada Helps retains a small portion of your donation for this service.



  • Gift of Corporate Securities (Shares) – A gift of corporate securities or shares often provides the donor with a tax saving benefit while at the same time supporting the more than 4300 children registered in the FOF Program. The ‘Gift Of Securities Form’ located below can be downloaded and then completed by the donor or their Financial Representative who in turn, will complete the transaction by following the instructions on the form. Should you have any questions about this process, please email us at and we will be pleased to provide a response.
  • Gift of Securities Form – FOF

However you choose to contribute, on behalf of Faith, her Team in Zambia and the Canadian Board, thank you for supporting the work  of Faith’s Orphans Fund!                                       (Income tax receipts are issued in February-March of each year)